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PK Bluesinferno was formed when Pelle Holmberg and Kalle Moraues met during the “Thank you for the music tour” 2019.

The two guitarists jammed before the show, in the show and after the show. You always saw them with a guitar in their hands talking and trading licks.

This led Pelle to invite Kalle to Skåne to join PHG for a small tour and eventually PK Bluesinferno took shape.

PK Bluesinferno is a band where all different styles meet, hence the name inferno. Blues meets jazz, rock, fusion, folk music and funk. This rare combination is glued together with laugh, groove and a lot of good stories…


Pelle Holmberg guitar and vocals

Kalle Moraeus guitar and vocals

Anders "Lunkan" Lundkvist keyboards

Mathias Tofte bass

Frank "Frallan" Nilsson drums

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